Celebrate Recovery FREE Various locations, days and timesCelebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. 20 years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Celebrate Recovery has helped more than 17000 people at Saddleback, attracting over 70% of its members from outside the church. Eighty-five percent of the people who go through the program stay with the church and nearly half serve as church volunteers. Celebrate Recovery is now in over 20,000 churches worldwide!
Monday Pearce Memorial Church (North Chili) Tuesday Browncroft Community Church (Penfield) Wednesday Crosscreek Church (Palmyra) Thursday Brockport Free Methodist Church (Brockport) |
Teen Challenge Live-in Rehabilitation Centers for Adults and TeensThere are over 200 Teen Challenge programs throughout the United States offering a variety of programs and services for youth, adults, and families. Admission requirements, fees, and tuition costs vary from program to program. While Teen Challenge (a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization) is diligent to provide cost-effective programs, the significant resources required to provide training, lodging, meals, supervision, and other expenses necessitate the generous support of our friends, faith communities, and a concerned society. Each local Teen Challenge program has its own procedures and entry requirements. They also fund their programs in unique ways that work for their communities and those they serve. The life training we offer is based on God’s Word – the Bible. Practical, appropriate, and accessible Bible-based courses facilitate the transition that can conquer life-controlling problems. At Teen Challenge, we offer a chance to start over, become a new person, live a godly life, and find freedom through a restored purpose and an eternal hope. We do this through classes, individual study, personal mentoring, work ethics training, and involvement in the Christian community.